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टेलीमेडिसिन सेवा उपलब्ध
Government Medical College & Super Facility Hospital Chakrapanpur Azamgarh
राजकीय मेडिकल काॅलेज एवं सुपर फेसिलिटी हाॅस्पिटल चक्रपानपुर आजमगढ़
शैक्षणिक पाठ्यक्रम
फार्मा सह सतर्कता
जाँच पड़ताल
राष्ट्रीय कार्यक्रम
डीआर टीबी
(पी एम जे ए वाई) आयुष्मान भारत
रानी लक्ष्मी बाई योजना
आवश्यक चिकित्सा सूची और ओटी सूची
एम आर डी
बायो मेडिकल वेस्ट
अनुसंधान और प्रकाशन
चिकित्सा महाविद्यालय
समाचार और कार्यक्रम
राष्ट्रीय पर्व
परिपत्र ओपीडी
रक्तदान शिविर
कार्यशाला सीएमई और सेमिनार
केंद्रीय सुविधाएं
केंद्रीय पुस्तकालय
अतिथि गृह
चित्र प्रदर्शनी
वीडियो गैलरी
संपर्क करें
Walk-in-interview for the post of Senior Resident/Junior Resident and Tutor/Demonstrator on 13.05.2020.
Important notice for Interns 2 May 2020.
Important notice for Interns 30/04/2020.
Important notice for Interns.
Important notice for Interns.
Walk-in-interview for the post of Professor and Associate Professor from 20.03.20 to 24.03.20.
Walk in interview for post of Professor and Associate professor on 17.02.2020.
Walk in interview for the post of Professor and Associate professor on 07.02.2020.
Walk-in-interview For the post of Junior Resident on 18.01.2020.
Walk-in interview for the post of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant professor on 17/01/2020.
Corrigendum: walk-in-interview for the post of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor on 10/01/2020.
Walk-in-interview for the post of Senior Resident on 09/01/2020.
Walk-in-interview for post of Senior Resident, Junior Resident, Tutor/Demonstrator on 20/12/19
Walk-in-interview for the post of Professor, Associate professor and Assistant professor on 10.01.2020.
Cancellation of walk-in interview proposed on 07/01/2020 for the post of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor.
Walk-in- interview for the post of Professor, Associate professor and Assistant professor on 07/01/2020
Walk-in-interview for the post of Professor, Associate professor and Assistant professor on 16.12.2019.
MBBS 1st Professional examination results-Batch 2018
Walk-in interview for Senior Resident on 27/09/2019
Walk-in interview for Professor, Asso. Professor, Asst. Professor from 11.09.19 onwards.
Walk-in interview for professor, Asso. Professor and Asst. Professor from 24.08.19 onwards.
Walk-in interview for JR/TUTOR/DEMONSTRATOR on 27.08.19
Important notice for candidate selected from ADHINASTH CHAYAN AYOG 2019
Walk-in interview for the post of Professor, Asso. Professor and Asst. Professor on 06/08/2019
Foundation Course Time Table 2019-2020 update on 30-5-2019
CBME time table for 2019-20 Session update on 30-5-2019
students notice for summer vacation. 25-05-2019
CME on topic "RECENT UPDATES ON SWINE FLU" on 13.3.19.
Important notice for selected candidates through UTTAR PRADESH ADHINASTH SEWA CHAYAN AAYOG. on 2019-03-07
प्रतीक चिन्ह
शासन प्रबंध
प्रमुख प्रशासन
चिकित्सा अधीक्षक
पूर्व प्राचार्य
भंडार और खरीद
मैनुअल टेंडर
जेम पोर्टल
एंटी रैगिंग सेल
चिकित्सा शिक्षा इकाई
सूचना का अधिकार
खेल और सांस्कृतिक
स्वच्छ कार्य योजना
इसके प्रत्येक अधिकारी और कर्मचारियों को मासिक पारिश्रमिक प्राप्त होता है, जिसमें मुआवजे की व्यवस्था भी शामिल है, जैसा कि इसके विनियमों में प्रदान किया गया है।
राजकीय मेडिकल कालेज, आजमगढ़ में फैकल्टी से सम्बन्धित पदों एवं वेतनमान की सूची।
Click here
News & Events
Walk-in-interview for the post of Senior Resident/Junior Resident and Tutor/Demonstrator on 13.05.2020.
Important notice for Interns 2 May 2020.
Important notice for Interns 30/04/2020.
Important notice for Interns.
Important notice for Interns.
Walk-in-interview for the post of Professor and Associate Professor from 20.03.20 to 24.03.20.
Walk in interview for post of Professor and Associate professor on 17.02.2020.
Walk in interview for the post of Professor and Associate professor on 07.02.2020.
Walk-in-interview For the post of Junior Resident on 18.01.2020.
Walk-in interview for the post of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant professor on 17/01/2020.
Corrigendum: walk-in-interview for the post of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor on 10/01/2020.
Walk-in-interview for the post of Senior Resident on 09/01/2020.
Walk-in-interview for post of Senior Resident, Junior Resident, Tutor/Demonstrator on 20/12/19
Walk-in-interview for the post of Professor, Associate professor and Assistant professor on 10.01.2020.
Cancellation of walk-in interview proposed on 07/01/2020 for the post of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor.
Walk-in- interview for the post of Professor, Associate professor and Assistant professor on 07/01/2020
Walk-in-interview for the post of Professor, Associate professor and Assistant professor on 16.12.2019.
MBBS 1st Professional examination results-Batch 2018
Walk-in interview for Senior Resident on 27/09/2019
Walk-in interview for Professor, Asso. Professor, Asst. Professor from 11.09.19 onwards.
Walk-in interview for professor, Asso. Professor and Asst. Professor from 24.08.19 onwards.
Walk-in interview for JR/TUTOR/DEMONSTRATOR on 27.08.19
Important notice for candidate selected from ADHINASTH CHAYAN AYOG 2019
Walk-in interview for the post of Professor, Asso. Professor and Asst. Professor on 06/08/2019
Foundation Course Time Table 2019-2020 update on 30-5-2019
CBME time table for 2019-20 Session update on 30-5-2019
Students notice for summer vacation 25-05-2019
CME on topic "RECENT UPDATES ON SWINE FLU" on 13.3.19.
Important Link
Genaral Information (Citizen charter)
Directorate General of Medical Education and Training U. P.
Affiliation (King George's Medical University)
Medical Council of India
© 2019 गवर्नमेंट मेडिकल कॉलेज एंड सुपर फैसिलिटी हॉस्पिटल। सभी अधिकार सुरक्षित।